As you can see it has been a productive month in the workshop with three delightful new bows coming in from Switzerland, France and Germany. If you browse the fine bows section there are more details. Don’t hesitate to get in touch via email.
If you are resident in the United Kingdom be aware finance schemes are available and interest free.
During these trying Coronavirus times why not seek solace artistically by upgrading your bow for greater artistic freedom?
See below the characteristic Tourte inspired head of a fine late James Tubbs bow, all the usual idiosyncrasies are present.
Summer sale
As is the tradition look carefully through the stock for a very real bargain. Many musicians have seen dozens of concerts cancelled, here, is a way of sustaining and helping them on their way.
Lamy pere
James Tubbs
Eugene Sartory
Eugene Sartory
Peter Hembrough Bows is very proud to offer these bows to the discerning violinist in search for the unique. The bows are Lamy pere, James Tubbs, and a sensational Gold and Tortoiseshell mounted Eugene Sartory. All three are a real joy to play!
Happy summer!